Tuesday 10 December 2013

Swansea Life.

It has to be said that we live with an affliction called "Itchy Feet Syndrome" - no, we don't have nasty feet in any way, shape or form - it's just that we get the need to go and live somewhere else! Perhaps we have a little bit of wanderlust in our DNA.

Having moved 4 times in our hometown in England, we decided to go abroad for a year which we loved and then decided to return to the UK. By chance, which seems the best way to do things, we settled in a semi rural village near Swansea in South Wales.

It would seem during our time here, over 10 years have passed, the longest we've ever been 'grounded'.

Swansea has a lot to offer, from great seascapes, scenery, beaches - then there are the mountains, hills, the quaint way that the Welsh language seems to have no word for 'gravy' or 'sofa' - unless you know different & we just haven't encountered it yet!

One of the loveliest  Welsh words is the word for a cuddle which is Cwtch. Everyone should always have time for a Cwtch so we have designed this clock so you'll always know it's "Cwtch Time"! http://www.etsy.com/listing/172483747/romantic-heart-shaped-handcrafted-stone?ref=listing-shop-header-0

Preferring handmade & eco friendly gifts, we set up www.artstonestudio.co.uk and we are having a wonderful time designing and making gifts.  Just check out this gorgeous, handmade framed map, printed on  natural stone. http://www.artstonestudio.co.uk/ourshop/prod_2752915-Swansea-Map-Heart.html

We have met some lovely people and love that life is more laid back than the Midlands. I must admit the Welsh way of life has influenced us more than we thought it would and so we'd like to share with you our little tributes.